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Scan to bim service in united kingdom | RVTCAD Empty The Power of BIM Laser Scanning and Scan to Bim Revit

Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:18 pm
We are excited to share our latest developments in Scan to BIM plugins for Revit software. Our dedicated team
has been refining code for wall creation, focusing on enhancing production speed while ensuring high-quality and
precise outcomes. Discover how this innovation streamlines wall creation in both 3D and 2D.

Let's delve into the significant time savings realized through automated processes, particularly focusing on wall
creation from point cloud data. This exploration is not just about efficiency but also highlights the transformation
in workflow that modern technology offers.

Manual vs. Automated Wall Creation: A Comparative Analysis

Our team conducted extensive tests to compare traditional manual methods of wall creation with our new
automated coding process. Initially, a modeler would manually measure from one point to another within a point
cloud dataset to outline the walls. Following this, the modeler would navigate to wall properties, select the
appropriate wall type, set the thickness, and then manually extend the wall from one end to another. This entire

process would take approximately 15 seconds for each wall.

In contrast, our automated process powered by custom scripts completes the same task in just 2 seconds. This is
not just a marginal improvement; it represents a drastic 90% reduction in time per wall. These few seconds add
up, especially when scaling up to larger projects. By significantly reducing the time required for each wall, our
automated process enhances productivity, minimizes human error, and allows modelers to focus on more
complex aspects of their work, ultimately leading to more efficient and cost-effective project completions.

Real-World Impact on Project Timelines

To put this into perspective, consider our current team of 32 members working on a large-scale project. Manually,
each member would spend about 15 seconds on a single wall, cumulatively consuming around 480 seconds
equal to 8 minutes. Now, with automation, the same team can achieve the task in about 64 seconds total, roughly
translating to 1 minute. This saves about 7 minutes in creating just one wall—an invaluable saving when scaled

across multiple walls and projects.

With this level of efficiency, our team can focus on more intricate aspects of the project, enhancing overall quality
and creativity. This leads to faster turnaround times, and satisfied clients, and potentially opens up opportunities
for tackling even more ambitious projects in the future.

Case Study: Hospital Renovation Project

For a clearer illustration, let's examine a practical scenario: our team was tasked with scanning a hospital and
generating a point cloud, which would then be used in the scan-to-BIM process to create 3D Revit modeling and
2D CAD drawings. Our calculations showed that manually creating approximately 1100 walls would take about
275 minutes or 4.5 hours (calculated as 1100 walls x 15 seconds each), assuming a single person could
manually create one wall every 15 seconds. Considering the mental and physical fatigue involved, the total time

might well extend to about 5 hours.

Using our automated process, however, the same task would take roughly 36.7 minutes (calculated as 1100
walls x 2 seconds each), which equates to about 0.62 hours. Let's consider it approximately 1 hour overall when
accounting for any additional adjustments. This not only cuts down four hours of work but also leaves our team
more energized and ready to tackle other aspects of the project, such as doors, windows, flooring, and roofing.

Conclusion: Embracing Automation in Construction

This dramatic reduction in time and effort demonstrates the benefits of integrating automation into traditional
construction and design processes. By embracing such technologies, firms can achieve significant efficiency
gains, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively and enhance overall productivity. It’s not just about
doing things faster; it’s about doing them smarter and with better energy conservation, leading to higher-quality
outcomes and more innovative solutions.
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